28985 Seminarreihe: Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik
Wintersemester 2024/2025
Geoinstitut, 2. Stock, Seminarraum Nr. 4.2.03 |
11.10.2024 |
14.00 s.t. |
"Shock effects and microstructural investigations in angrite meteorites" Edna
Obengo (Bayerisches Geoinstitut), Vortrag
Masterprüfung |
17.10.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Labquakes caused by metamorphic
reactions during high-pressure experiments and their scaling laws" Julien Gasc
(ENS Paris) |
24.10.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Seismic imaging of geodynamic processes – how fibre-optic sensing changes the game" Charlotte Krawczyk (GFZ
Potsdam) |
07.11.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"In-situ IR high-pressure experiments on hydrous forsterite: An attempt
to determine hydrogen positions in olivine" Moe Sakurai (Okayama
University) |
14.11.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Dust production and evolution in the
inner solar system" Yves Marrocchi
(CRPG Nancy) |
20.11.2024 |
13.00 s.t. |
relaxation of the subduction interface due to thermally activated ductile
deformation" Ilham
Hammadi (Bayerisches Geoinstitut), Vortrag
Masterprüfung |
21.11.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Structural complexities of high-pressure silicates and
carbonates and their relevance for upper mantle processes" Marco Merlini (Università degli Studi di Milano) |
28.11.2024 |
12.00 s.t. |
"High-pressure studies of naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, and
benzo[a]pyrene using single-crystal X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell" Wenju
Zhou (Bayerisches Geoinstitut), Vortrag
Doktorprüfung |
28.11.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"How crustal exhumation rates determine the fate of porphyry
copper deposits" Frances Cooper (University
College London) |
29.11.2024 |
14.00 s.t. |
"The contributions of subducted sediments to the formation of
magmatic-hydrothermal deposits" Matej
Hlede (Bayerisches Geoinstitut), Vortrag
Masterprüfung |
05.12.2024 |
12.30 s.t. |
"Origin of the first solids in the Solar System by
non-equilibrium condensation" Sébastien Charnoz (IPGP) |
12.12.2024 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Water storage and incipient melting in the shallow lower
mantle" Siddharth Khan (Université
Clermont Auvergne) |
16.01.2025 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Comparative noble gas cosmochemistry with carbonaceous
chondrites and samples returned from asteroids Ryugu
and Bennu" Henner Busemann (ETH Zürich) |
23.01.2025 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Impact-driven symplectite formation in
ultramafic achondrites" Zoltan Vaci (Universität
Prag) |
30.01.2025 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Crustal recycling and the formation of intermediate to felsic
crustal plateaus on Venus" Max Collinet
(Université de Namur) |
06.02.2025 |
16.00 s.t. |
"Stress development around mineral inclusions: Theoretical
predictions and natural data" Evangelos Moulas (Universität Mainz) |
22.05.2025 |
16.00 s.t. |
title will follow Mary-Alix Kaczmarek (GET
Toulouse) |
28.05.2025 |
13.00 s.t. |
Advancing High-Pressure
Chemistry: Exploring Structure-Property Relationships in Complex
Rare-Earth-containing Materials Irina Chuvashova (Univ. Miami) |
24.07.2025 |
16.00 s.t. |
title will follow Tobias Meier (Univ. Oxford) |