Foreword / Vorwort |
1. |
Advisory Board and Management |
1.1 |
Advisory Board |
1.2 |
Leadership |
2. |
Staff, Funding and Facilities |
2.1 |
Staff |
2.2 |
Funding |
2.3 |
Laboratory and office facilities |
2.4 |
Experimental equipment |
3. |
Forschungsprojekte - Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache |
3. |
Research Projects |
3.1 |
Physical and Chemical Properties of Solids |
a. |
Structure and elasticity of (Mg,Fe)O (S.D. Jacobsen,
H.-J. Reichmann, H.A. Spetzler, S.J. Mackwell, J.R. Smyth, R.J. Angel and
C.A. McCammon). |
b. |
Experimental study of the deformation behaviour
of magnesiowüstite (I. Stretton, F. Heidelbach and S.J. Mackwell) |
c. |
Mechanical and textural behaviour of magnesiowüstite
Mg0.8Fe0.2O deformed to high shear strains (F. Heidelbach,
I. Stretton and S.J. Mackwell) |
d. |
Deformation of transition zone minerals in the
multianvil press (S. Karato, J.D Lawlis, D. Yamazaki, K.-H. Lee, D.J. Frost
andD.C. Rubie) |
e. |
Slip systems in shear deformed wadsleyite (P.
Cordier and D.J. Frost, in collaboration with E. Thurel/Lille and S.I.
Karato/Minneapolis) |
f. |
Deformation and plasticity of Mg2SiO4
ringwoodite (P. Cordier, in collaboration with E. Thurel/Lille) |
g. |
Thermal diffusivity measurements of olivine
and its polymorphs at high pressure and temperature (Y.S. Xu, D.C. Rubie
and F. Langenhorst, in collaboration with T.J. Shankland/Los Alamos) |
h. |
Diffusion in olivine at high pressure (C. Holzapfel,
D.C. Rubie and D.J. Frost, in collaboration with S. Chakraborty/Bochum) |
i. |
High-temperature deformation of dry dunite (S.J.
Mackwell, in collaboration with P. Chopra/Canberra) |
j. |
H2O distribution in the upper mantle:
Constraints from experimental measurement of compressional wave velocity
in talc at high temperature and pressure (E. Bailey, in collaboration with
J.R. Holloway/Tempe) |
3.2 |
Crystal Chemistry and Phase Transformations |
a. |
Crystal chemistry of oxygen deficient perovskites
in the system CaSiO3 - CaFeO2.5 (U.W. Bläß,
D.J. Frost, F. Langenhorst, C.A. McCammon and F. Seifert) |
b. |
Neutron diffraction study of displacive phase
transitions and strain analysis in Fe-doped CaTiO3 perovskites
at high temperature (A.I. Becerro and F. Seifert, in collaboration with
S.A.T. Redfern and M.A. Carpenter/ Cambridge, and K.S. Knight/Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, Chilton) |
c. |
Strain analysis of phase transitions in (Ca,Sr)TiO3
perovskites (M.A. Carpenter/Cambridge, in collaboration with A.I. Becerro
and F. Seifert) |
d. |
Crystal-chemical controls on high-pressure phase
transitions in clinopyroxenes (T. Boffa-Ballaran, R.J. Angel and C.S.J.
Shaw, in collaboration with N.L. Ross/Blacksburg) |
e. |
Magnetic properties of P21/c (Mg-Fe)SiO3
pyroxene (C.A. McCammon, in collaboration with S. Eeckhout, E. De Grave
and R. Vochten/Ghent and A. Lougear, M. Gerdan and A. Trautwein/Lübeck) |
f. |
Short - range order parameter associated with
the P21/m « C2/m phase transition in cummingtonite (T.
Boffa-Ballaran and C.A. McCammon, in collaboration with M.A. Carpenter/Cambridge) |
g. |
High- pressure behaviour of lawsonite (T. Boffa-Ballaran
and R.J. Angel) |
h. |
ELNES study of new diamond-structured B-C-N
compounds (F. Langenhorst, in collaboration with V. Solozhenko/Kiev) |
i. |
Phase transformations during firing of archeological
ceramics from Leptimus (modern Tunisia) (C.A. McCammon, in collaboration
with B. Sherriff, S. Johnston and L. Anthony/Winnipeg) |
3.3 |
Geochemistry |
a. |
Partitioning of Re and Os between liquid metal
and magnesiowüstite at high pressure (S. Fortenfant, D.C. Rubie, and
J. Reid, in collaboration with C. Dalpe/Bristol, C.K. Gessmann/ Mainz and
F. Campas, J. L. Birck/Paris) |
b. |
Oxygen fugacity dependence of osmium solubility
in haplobasaltic melt at one bar: a study using the stirred crucible technique
(S. Fortenfant, D.B. Dingwell, and D.C. Rubie, in collaboration with F. Campas and J.L. Birck/Paris) |
c. |
Effect of sodium metasilicate on W and Mo solubilities
in anorthite-diopside melt at 1 bar and 1400°C (S. Fortenfant, D.B.
Dingwell, and D.C. Rubie) |
d. |
Kinetics of metal-silicate equilibration during
formation of the Earth's core (D.C. Rubie, S. Fortenfant, C. Holzapfel,
D.J. Frost and F. Langenhorst, in collaboration with C.K. Gessmann/Mainz) |
e. |
Diffusion modelling of garnet zoning: Tso Morari
eclogite, Indian Himalaya (P.J. O'Brien, in collaboration with H. Sachan/Dehra
Dun, India) |
f. |
TEM investigation of Al-rich phases formed in
basaltic compositions at lower mantle pressures and temperatures (N. Miyajima,
F. Langenhorst and D.C. Rubie, in collaboration with K. Hirose/Tokyo, K. Oguri and T.
Yagi/Kashiwa) |
g. |
Fe/Mg partition coefficients for synthetic (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3
perovskite/ (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase assemblages determined using EELS and
the electron microprobe (S. Lauterbach, C.A. McCammon, F. Langenhorst and F. Seifert, in collaboration with P.A. van Aken/ Darmstadt) |
h. |
Fe/Mg partitioning between (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3
perovskite and (Mg,Fe)O inclusions in diamond (C.A. McCammon, in collaboration
with T. Stachel/ Frankfurt and J. Harris/Glasgow) |
i. |
Fe-Mg partitioning between transition zone and
lower mantle minerals. (D.J. Frost and F. Langenhorst, in collaboration
with P.A. van Aken/ Darmstadt) |
j. |
Oxidation during metasomatism and implications
for diamond preservation (C.A. McCammon, in collaboration with W. Griffin/Sydney,
S. Shee/South Yarra and H. O'Neill/Canberra) |
k. |
Melting phase relations of mantle peridotite
between 21 and 24 GPa (D.J. Frost and C.A. McCammon, in collaboration with
R. Tronnes/Reykjavik) |
l. |
Liquidus phase relations for chondrite meteorite
between 16 to 25 GPa: Implications for alkali fractionation in the primitive
Earth (D.J. Frost, in collaboration with M. Chen and A. El Goresy/Mainz) |
m. |
Discovery of high-pressure minerals in the Martian
basalt Zagami: clues to the mineralogical complexity of planetary mantles
(F. Langenhorst and J.-P. Poirier) |
3.4 |
Fluids and their Interaction with Melts and Minerals |
a. |
Effect of pressure on the solubility of hydrogen
in magnesiowüstite up to 25 GPa (N. Bolfan-Casanova, H. Keppler, D.C.
Rubie and S.J. Mackwell) |
b. |
Ordering of hydroxyl defects in hydrous wadsleyite
(ß-Mg2SiO4) (S.C. Kohn, R.A. Brooker, D.J. Frost,
A.E. Slesinger and B.J. Wood) |
c. |
Hydrous silicate spinelloids and the hydration
state of the mantle (J.R. Smyth and D.J. Frost) |
d. |
Kinetics of hydration/dehydration of mantle
olivine (S. Demouchy and S.J. Mackwell) |
e. |
Kinetics and mechanisms of brucite dehydration
(F. Langenhorst and F. Seifert, in collaboration with P.A. van Aken/Darmstadt) |
f. |
Complete miscibility between pegmatitic melts
and water: direct observation and possible consequences (J.R. Sowerby and
H. Keppler) |
g. |
In-situ study of high-pressure and high-temperature
bubble growth in melts (C. Martel and H. Bureau) |
h. |
Effects of pressure and temperature on aqueous
carbonate fluids (N. Zotov and H. Keppler) |
i. |
Determination of element distribution between
fluid phase and melt using synthetic fluid inclusions in glass (B. Schäfer
and D.B. Dingwell, in collaboration with D. Günther, R. Frischknecht
and H. Cousins/
ETH Zürich) |
3.5 |
Melt Physics and Chemistry |
a. |
Equation of state of molten Fe-S: Relevance
for core dynamics in planetary bodies (P.S. Balog and R.A. Secco/London,
Ontario, in collaboration with D.C. Rubie and D.J. Frost) |
b. |
Self diffusion in liquid iron (David Dobson) |
c. |
Electrical conductivity of naturally-occurring
melts and other materials at high pressures (J.A. Tyburczy/Tempe, in collaboration
with B.T. Poe) |
d. |
The determination of silicate liquid viscosity
at high pressure: recent developments and results (J.E. Reid, B.T. Poe,
D.C. Rubie and D.J. Frost in collaboration with Y. Wang/Chicago, E. Ohtani, A. Suzuki/Sendai; and K. Funakoshi/Hyogo) |
e. |
Rare gas solubility in silicate melts at very
high pressures (B.C. Schmidt and H. Keppler) |
f. |
Solubility mechanisms of water and boron in
albite glasses (B.C. Schmidt and N. Zotov, in collaboration with R. Dupree/Warwick) |
g. |
Thermodynamic properties of alkali silicate
glasses - comparison of experiment and calculations (N. Zotov) |
h. |
Short-range order of Ni in silicate glasses: EXAFS study (N. Zotov and J. Sowerby) |
3.6 |
Magma Dynamics and Volcanic Processes |
a. |
Experimental simulation of the ascent of Soufriere
Hills magma (Montserrat, W.I.) (C. Martel and B.C. Schmidt) |
b. |
The origin and significance of peridotite clasts
in clinopyroxenite xenoliths from the West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany (C.S.J. Shaw) |
c. |
Petrogenetic links between veined peridotite
and megacrysts from the West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany (C.S.J. Shaw, in collaboration with
J. Eyzaguirre/London, Canada) |
d. |
Dissolution of quartz in melts of the CMAS system:
effects of silica activity on the dissolution rate and mechanism (C.S.J. Shaw) |
3.7 |
Methodological Developments |
a. |
Progress on shear waves in the diamond anvil
cell: Construction of a sapphire conversion buffer rod for GHz-ultrasonic
interferometry (S.D. Jacobsen, H.A. Spetzler, H.-J. Reichmann, J.R. Smyth,
R.J. Angel, H. Schulze and G. Herrmannsdörfer in collaboration with
K. Müller and H. Ohlmeyer/Bayreuth) |
b. |
An opposed anvil type high-pressure and high-temperature
apparatus using sintered diamond (T. Yagi, D.J. Frost and D.C. Rubie) |
c. |
Tailoring sphere density for high-pressure physical
property measurements on liquids (R.A. Secco and H. Schulze, in collaboration
with R.F. Tucker, S.P. Balog and M.D. Rutter/London, Ontario) |
d. |
Using in-situ complex impedance spectroscopy
to characterize the development of phase transformations (B.T. Poe, in
collaboration with C. Romano/Rome) |
e. |
New solid-state NMR results (M. Bechmann, S. Dusold, X. Helluy and A. Sebald) |
4. |
Publications, Conference Presentations, Seminars, Visiting Scientists |
4.1 |
Publications (published) |
a. |
Refereed international journals |
b. |
Conference proceedings |
4.2 |
Publications (submitted, in press) |
4.3 |
Presentations at scientific institutions and at congresses |
4.4 |
Lectures and seminars at Bayerisches Geoinstitut |
4.5 |
Scientific conferences organized by/with assistance of Bayerisches Geoinstitut |
4.6 |
Visiting scientists |
a. |
Visiting scientists funded by the Bayerisches Geoinstitut |
b. |
Visiting scientists funded by EU-Projects
"Access to Large-Scale Facilities" and "Access to Research Infrastructures" |
c. |
Visiting scientists supported by other external funded BGI projects |
d. |
Visitors (externally funded) |
4.7 |
Theses |
4.8 |
Honours and awards |
4.9 |
Editorship of scientific journals |
4.10 |
Membership of scientific advisory bodies |
4.11 |
Public relations and press reports |
5. |
Scientific and Technical Personnel |